
How to look good for your senior picture?

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im going to have my picture taken for my senior picture, i want it to turn out really good. how should i wear my makeup? how much is too much? how should i do my hair? i don't even know how to curl my own hair and i don't really know much about hairstyles. any advice? thanks




  1. Stay classic! Stay away from opaque colors, go neutral, but still have them visible. For hair, you should straighten your hair and try to make the ends turn in. Also, don't smile too big because then you will squint.

    For clothes, you could probably do something like a cardigan or blouse.

  2. wow, just chill girl. take it easy. just put some makeup, dont overdoit

    do your hair in a classy way that you can still like 10+ years later.

  3. try to look natural deffinatly not a lot of makeup... the only thing i suggest is wearing alot of mascara...leave your hair down blow dry it...just make it really natural. put some volume into it.

  4. well when u take pics for the senior yearbook...the tip they usually give u is to use more than usual make up to look as if u are wearing what u usually wear me more make up is alright and it wont look cakey when they are done because usually they soften lines...u ant ur hair the way u want it...just make sure is a good style for wont look different ...just get ur hair curled at a salon...or u can get ur make up and hair done at a salon before the photo shoot...which always makes a pic turn out really sister did that for hers and hers looked good...that is about it...and always take with u some oil blotting papers and some translucent shine isnt so great in photos. lol...usually salons that are well known around ur area as really nice uns, will have senior photo and prom specials if u ask.

  5. Less is more!! Don't overdo it...I'd say don't go for any crazy hairstyles or makeup ideas. Its probably best to stick with what you know looks good on you. But that's just me. ^^

  6. just be yourself :)

  7. What ever looks good to you. And then just smile :)

  8. think of all the fun you had with your friends and smile dont think about the guy with a camera in your grill

  9. wel you can just straight your hair and take out the ends. and about the make-up i need to know what you are going to wear and i also need to know your color skin and hair etc..

  10. i had mind done. well you could have make-up but it just depends on how you are going to dress. i put my hair up and let it down when i have a different style dress.  also what will be your background? mine was a private studio.  

  11. put some make-up  

  12. omg.........if you have long hair dont pick it up..............please!!!!

    and make up.........not too friends did that same mistake................just follow the above ;)

  13. Scrub your skin with a mild exfoliant, moisturize.  If you do up your eyes, easy do it on the lips and vice versa.  Try cream blush for a dewier look.  Easy on the rouge.

    I would take several pictures in the makeup I like in all the different tops you think you might wear and then ask your mom (who will be honest) which is best.  Also try different smiles.  Corny, but...  

    If your teeth are stained consider putting on white strips for a few days b/f.  Put only a small amount of gloss overlipstick (if any lipstick) and consider a lite film of vaseline over front teeth if you have a toothy grin.  It makes your teeth gleem.  Of course that may be one step too far for you.  Just a suggestion.    Some of the pics may be a shot from hips up.  Consider that when wardrob hunting.  NO BIG BULKY SWEATERS!

  14. if you want to style your hair, style it like you normally would, or maybe just a TAD more "updoish", remember, you are going to be looking at these pictures down the road and want them to be nice, but not TOO FORMAL looking, otherwise it isn't a good representation of you... personally, i straightened my hair for my senior pic and then did my makeup really natural (brown tones etc.) and all of the pictures turned out really, really well... at first i wanted to get my hair all curled out and do dark eyes, but my mom edged me away from the idea, and i am so glad that she did!

    when people look at the picture, you want them to be able to recognize you right away :)

    hope this helps!

  15. My best advice to you is to leave your hair natural and wear the simplest makeup. The senior portrait of yourself is supposed to reflect on how you've grown all those 4 years. It is to make you remember the person who you were if looking back at it 10 years from now. It is how people will remember you by.

    So don't try to over do the makeup and the hair. You want people to remember and notice your face for the last time, not how different you look and how your make up was done in the picture. Leave all the heavy makeup and fanciness for senior ball.

    All you need is a nice peachy or pink gloss, a light matching blush, a neutral tone eyeshadow, and mascara. Do something a little different with your hair, like parting it to the side instead of the middle or tie it halfway. I remember when I had my senior portrait taken, I kind of curled my hair and had put on makeup the way I usually don't have it on. And now I look back, all I would say to myself is, that wasn't me and l wished I looked more like myself. Have fun! =)

  16. I did my little sister's hair and makeup for her pictures last year and they turned out GORGEOUS. I did her hair in really soft beachy waves that turned out great on camera. I learned how to get it perfect by watching a video called "How to create s**y, supermodel curls" on Youtube that I've attatched below. If you can get a girl friend to help you out, or even your mom, it was REALLY easy to do and everyone was complimenting her.

    Keep in mind that most studios will airbrush your pictures for you, so even if you do only wear a little makeup, you'll still look awesome. I would say keep your makeup looking natural. Don't wear a lot of eyeliner or blush. My favorite affordable lip gloss is at Victoria's secret. Ask the sales girl if she has a favorite sheer lip tint to suggest, because that's what will look best and natural. For a natural eye, I love Revlon's new Make a Sheen shadows in Espresso yourself. Just use the lightest shade all over your lid and the darkest shade very very lightly in the crease and corner. If you curl your lashes, your eyes will look gorgeous and open. All you have to do is purchase an eyelash curler and squeeze the root of your lashes between it for 2 seconds on each side. Apply a couple coats of mascara from root to tip in a zig zag motion rather than up and down to prevent "spider lashes". Covergirl Greatlash in blackest black is honestly better than some of the most expensive mascaras I've tried and gives you a good even coat.

    How much is too much? If you look in the mirror and you feel kind of like you're on your way to a formal dinner, you've gone too far. Senior pics are meant to be fairly casual. You want to look like yourself, not some superwoman fantasy version that you'd like to be! Hmm...think more Natalie Portman and less Paris Hilton and you'll be on the right track.

    Good luck!! I'm sure you'll look great

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  17. Accentuate your eyes.  Go for the blurry/smudged look.  It's really pretty.  I wouldn't wear blush.  Wear a light colored lip gloss or lipstick.

    As for the hair, I would just wear it how you normally wear.  I mean, you want the picture to look like you, not fake.  And you don't want it to be super formal either.

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