
How to look good in Self Portraits?

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i always look fat a gross and i dont know how to photoshop so what ways i can look better?




  1. It is all an illusion when it comes to looking good in portraits.  Watch Tyra's ANTM show and learn from tips she has on there to produce nice pix of yourself and maybe even her website.

  2. It depends on the type of camera you have.

    In some cameras, the flash makes it worse, it some it makes it better.

    Some cameras have a soft skin setting that will make you look a lot better.

    No camera's can really make you look skinny though...

  3. Well first of all, unless you are really good with a camera it is going to be hard to take a good picture of yourself because either you will be holding the camera too close or at a weird angle or it won't be focused properly. So why not get a girlfriend over and take pictures of each other.

    Second you are always going to be your toughest critic. So try getting that same friend to tell you how the pics look.

    Please DON"T resort to photoshopping your picture to make you look skinnier or have a smaller nose or whatever. Be happy with yourself! You don't want to have to be fake for anyone.

    Some tips to look good in pics: wear make up to clear up skin (you can probably pull off a little more make up for pictures than real life), wear clothes you are comfortable in (if it's too tight that is when you will see bulges), be confident (it will come through),  make sure the lighting is good (weird lighting around your neck or waist might emphaize those spots and make them look bad), smile every once and a while (we have all had enough of those teens do the f*** me face pictures cause it's not s**y at all)

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