
How to look good whithout makeup on?

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At school were like not allowed to wear makeup that really sucks..but we are allowed to wear anything els no mascar no nothing like that not evan i just wonderd how can u look good whithout make up what can u put on your face oh And no face mask..ples alergic to them...:p so like enything els like i duno enything :p helppp




  1. curl your eyelashes it makes your eyes pop all day this is what my 11 year old does since she cant wear makeup yet and its very pretty you can get a curler at any store for a few bucks  

  2. Use a good  moisturiser morning and night and if you get spots get spot gel with 2.5% Benzoyl Peroxide, which will clear up your skin. If you really are worried about your skin, you would proably be able to get away with a sheer tinted moisturiser; it won't provide much coverage but it will help even out and smooth your skin tone.

    If you look closely at your lashes in the right light, you can see you actually have longer lashes than you think, so you can dye your lashes to make them look longer and thicker. Also, a good tip is to keep your whole face well groomed, but pay particular attention to your eyebrows; they really do make a big difference to your face depending on how you shape them.

    And just remember, beauty comes from the inside; you can't just slap on a load of makeup and expect it to turn you into a supermodel!

  3. Get a good moisturizer then get some of your foundation and mix a tiny bit of foundation into you moisturizer then you will get a more even skin tone with your moisturizer. Then get a bit of vaseline on top of your cheek bones and on your lips to give you a shine but your not using makeup.

    The moisturizer with foundation really works!

  4. clear skin x eyelash curlers x u could probali get away with a same shade as your lips lipstick ! and a good hair cut r u allowed highlights ? x  

  5. you can use a clear mascara because they wont know that you have it on can you use chap stick instead of lip gloss  

  6. Make sure you have good skin. Drink lots of water & take a multi-vitamin. Use a good cleanser & moisturizer day & night. I would just curl my eyelashes and maybe use clear mascara, use a tinted moisturizer, and a sheer tint lip balm.

  7. most people dont look great with no makeup so dont be too worried.

    just use a good moisturizer and a nice slightly tinted chapstick/lipgloss

  8. Try Aveeno Positively Radiant facial moisturizer (it has light reflecting ingredients and SPF which is a +)

    Also try Burt's bees positively radiance lip shimmer I have it and it goes on clear and just gives a little sparkle/shine barely enough to look like over abundance lipgloss.

  9. Make sure you drink lots of water to keep your skin clear from spots and use a good moisturisor. My school does not allow makeup but i still wear a little bit- just make sure it dosnt look obvious! :D

  10. 1. make sure you use a really good cleanser so you have nice clear skin. try a wash system that has seperate parts like a cleanser, mosturizer, toner, ect. something like proactive. and drink water! it helps keep your skin clear&fresh!

    2. you can still use a little makeup as long as you make it look natural so they wont notice! try a clear mascara, i teeny bit of light blush, lip balm (maybe tinted just a little?) concealer to hide any blemishes, ect: )

    3. keep your eyebrows plucked and fresh&clean!

    4. and thats about it! and if you dont feel confindent without any makeup, just think about how everyone else is in the same boat, cause they cant wear it either! : )

    hope that helps! : )

  11. lots and lots of water! it will make your skin glow naturally. use a good cleanser (in the shower. the steam really opens up your pores giving it a good clean) and a good moisturizer. apply the moisturizer when your skin is still wet (if you cant apply it right after the shower, take a face wipe [equate sensitive wipes - 6.00 at any drugstore 200 ct) and re wet it. applying the moisturizer while your skin is wet gives it a dewey look that will make your skin look toned and rosy without makeup!

    if you do go out and wear makeup, make sure you use those face wipes before you go to bed and wash it all off! your pores open up while you sleep and absorb the moisture in the air. so put on a good night cream or moisturizer. get lots of sleep to make your eyes bright!

  12. DO wear makeup, just apply it properly so they can't tell.

    Mousturise, cleanse, and tone every morning.

    wear a light coverage foundation and concealor

    curl your eyelashes

    vaseline on your lips

    blusher so sublte that it looks natural

    and a tiny bit of mascara, but make it look natural


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