
How to loop excel files using foreachloop container in integration services?

by  |  earlier

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i want to loop excel files and to get data from that loopfiles




  1. I think an easier way to loop through a group of files in a single folder is to use the Dir function.


    Sub LoopFiles()

    Const PATH = "path with final back slash"

    Dim sFileName, sPathFileName As String

    sFileName = Dir$(PATH + "*.*")

    Do While Len(sFileName) > 0

    sPathFileName = PATH + sFileName

    MsgBox sPathFileName

    sFileName = Dir$


    End Sub

    to test the loop code and then replace MsgBox sPathFileName with the file processing code.  Be sure to not use any parameters with the second DIR$.


    Or you can use for each to get the file names as indicated below

    Sub LoopFiles()

    Dim sFile As Variant

    With Application.FileSearch


        .LookIn = "path without final backslash"

        .SearchSubFolders = True

        .Filename = "*.*"

        .MatchTextExactly = True

        .FileType = msoFileTypeAllFiles


        For Each sFile In .FoundFiles

        MsgBox sFile


    End With

    End Sub

    Note that what you are retrieving here also is file names not file objects.  In this code, after testing, replace Msgbox sFile with the file processing.  Also sFile must be dimensioned as Variant (not String) for the code to work.

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