
How to loose 7 kg. ?

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my height is 5.2 ,i m regular i doing exercise,bt then also nt loosing weight, why




  1. Top Secrets On How To Lose Fat Quickly Revealed!

    How can you lose your fat or weight quickly and permanently? Are you worried about taking drugs to achieve weight loss? Or do you eat less and exercise more but still find yourself stuck at the same weight?

    Finally, the top 5 secrets to losing fat quickly have been revealed:

    Secret #1 – Do not engage in moderate exercise. Your appetite will increase immediately after your exercise. You are not burning much fat, but burning your carbohydrates mostly. You are also building up muscles and muscles are 22% heavier.

    Secret #2 – Do not engage in vigorous exercise. Your appetite will decrease immediately after, but will increase the next 3-5 days. You are burning 0% fat, and burning 100% carbohydrates!

    Secret #3 – To burn those fats quickly, you should do light activity like walking, household chores, grocery shopping, carrying an infant, or even walking up stairs. Though light activity, you will lose 30-60% fat. Not bad!

    Secret #4 – Drink sufficient water for your weight to reduce water retention and remove toxic waste. How much to drink? Drink half of your body weight (measured in pounds) in ounces. 1 glass is about 8 ounces.

    Secret #5 – Reduce your daily calorie intake. Every 500kcal you reduce a day will help you to lose 1.1 pounds or 0.5 kg a week. So have a diet plan that focus on food nutrition and regular meals.

    Follow these 5 secret tips and you will be on your way to burn that fat and lose weight permanently, without any drugs or supplements!

    For more fat loss secrets of fitness models, visit

  2. If you are exercising hard, then maybe you are just building muscles and you need to remember muscles weigh more than fat.

    But if you wanna lose weight, here are few tips;

    WHEN to eat for losing weight...

    • Eat (at least) three times a day.

    Because when you eat only once a day, your metabolism gets slower than it already is! That's the main reason. Sounds funny, but to lose weight... you must eat (the right things, of course)

    • Eat low-fat, high-fiber foods such as salads and vegetable pastas.

    • Your last meal should be before 18:00. Try.

    OK, one apple after 18:00

    • Don't starve

    Starvation is not good for losing weight, nor your health.

    Starvation is the worse thing you can do in a weight loss diet.

    • Try oatmeal instead of cornflakes for breakfast--eating oatmeal can help reduce cholesterol levels, and its high fiber content will keep you full longer.

    WHAT to drink for losing weight...

    • Drink 6-8 glasses of water every day !

    Can be tap, plain, mineral, sparkling. I just love mineral sparkling water!

    This improves your bowel, reduces the "hunger" sensation, and hydrates your skin. Your skin will look much better after the first weeks!

    Don't believe the slogan "water makes me fat". Beside being stupid... you might get into serious troubles with your kidneys.

    • Drink ONLY natural juices, freshly squized!

    Don't drink Coca Cola, Pepsi, Spite etc. during the diet. Even lite or light versions.

    I thought this was not possible for me to achieve. Now... I don't even LIKE them anymore!

    Nothing compares to the the smell of a fresh natural fruit juice! Not speaking about health...

    • Avoid those vending machines by carrying around your own healthful foods and leaving pocket change at home.

    exercise for losing weight...

    • If you want quicker results - exercise would be good.

    • Start a regular exercise program and stick with it. Don't be afraid of those sweat suits and Lycra pants!

    • Start swimming. Swimming is an excellent exercise to get involved with, since it increases blood flow and uses muscles we don't regularly use. Start a swimming program and try to do it 3 times a week. You will feel excellent and rejuvenated.

    • Also Cardiovascular exercises such as running, jogging, or aerobics will help you lose that unwanted belly fat. Weight training can also help you lose body fat because the more muscle mass you have, the more ability your system has to burn body fat.

    Good luck!

  3. http://www.healthtipsforeverone.blogspot...

  4. jog...

  5. Go to this link

    This person wants to increase her weight by 7 kgs..Just give it to her..simple process



  7. 50 Motivational Tips for Exercise and Weight Loss

  8. Look at your diet - the easiest way to do this is to write a food diary for a week and then review it. We all pretty much know what we should be eating but seeing what we actually do in writing makes it real to us. Then I would take it from there

    Also, I would up the intensity of your workouts. Did you know the higher the intensity, the quicker the workout? The more calories you burn as well :)

    Good luck and message if you need more details


  10. Eat less (FAtty and Junk Food) Work (out) more (atleast jog and light exercise) .... Simple solution

  11. cut off your head.

  12. Chane your life style and eating habits and do sun solutions and make zero with your both the legs by rotating in clockwise & anti clockwise directions. For detail visit:_

  13. 1. Remove Oil, ghee, butter from Food ( Eat only food without Oil, ghee, butter)

    2. Eat boiled vegatables.

    3. Drink more water.

    4. Eat Cauliflower, cabbage & green vegitables in more quantity.

    5. Walk in Morning & evening daily to 30-40 minuts.

    Try it for 7 days You will see the difference.
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