
How to loose pimples without...?

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... resorting to a type of cream like: Pro-Active, Nutrogena, etc. I know there are plenty of ways to loose them without giving up a fight. Is there a way to loose them WITHOUT having to relie on a cream? Thank You!




  1. It depends on how extensive your acne is. If it is sporadic and would only occur from time to time, washing with a mild soap preferably Dove soap would do the trick and help your skin get back its pH balance.

    However, cleaning alone won't do it. Especially if you have moderate or severe acne that are stubborn.

    I don't suggest toothpaste as they don't have ingredients meant to combat acne. Toothpaste was formulated to clean teeth. Nor would lipstick work either. They give you a feeling of "dryness" but the treatment of acne is not to dry it. Rather it is a usual side effect of anti acne products.

    Just be wary of the soaps that you use. Keep your towel or pillow clean at all times. Drink a lot of water and eat a lot of fruits and vegetables.

  2. yea rubbin alcohal on your face. and no oily foods either;...

  3. I would definitely suggest you try SWISS glutathione bar. Its actually a soap intended for skin lightening but it really works well against pimples! it dries them out easily in just 2-3days! a lot of people buy it for that purpose even if they dont have to lighten their skin. check out

  4. go see a dermatologist, you wouldn't believe the so-called "remedies" i've run across.  acne is genetic, most over-the-counter stuff doesn't work, at least not long term.

  5. toothpaste not sure if u think thats a cream...but its supposed to dry it out...

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