
How to lose 1.32 pounds in five days?

by Guest33633  |  earlier

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How to lose 1.32 pounds in five days?




  1. simple. i eat cereals for every meal in the next few days!

    i lose more than that! is healthy! but your stomach not gonna like it!!

  2. just visit-

  3. do you wear your hair long. that's a couple grams. high fiber can clear out your colon. or work you but off and maintain 5 snack (no meal) days.

  4. easy, either drink less water or eat a little less. That is such a little amount that it is really just variable water weight or about half or a third of the food you take in a day.

  5. Take a laxative.  

  6. be nice okay? wth

  7. I dont know how to lose 1.32 pounds exactly...

    If u run for half an hour one time only, u;ll see weight difference of about 2 pounds.

  8. hii

    Jun 08How to Lose Weight in One Day?

    Diet & Weightloss Add commentsLoosing weight in one day? I have recently come around an interesting intensive one day diet. Unlike the rest of the diets, this one does not force you to starve for the whole day, which is very unhealthy for the body as well as the nervous system. To lower your weight fast it takes only to go on a fruit diet, according to which you consume no more than 810 calories and do not feel the shortage of healthy nutrients.


    The breakfast, for those who wish to get slim in one day, should start with a salad made with cottage cheese. You will need 200 grams of non-fat cream cheese. Add 0,11 lbs (or 50 grams) of mineral water to the cheese. Blend the mix and then add finely cut half of a banana. Sprinkle the salad with some lemon juice.


    One apple makes a nice snack before lunch. As for the lunch – have some pancakes fried on one tablespoon of oil. The pancake dough is made with one tablespoon of flour, one egg, six tablespoons of mineral water and some sugar. Mix the ingredients well. Eat the pancakes with one tablespoon of apple pureé.

    Afternoon Snack and Dinner

    Have one apple again for the afternoon snack. Dinner is a fruit salad. To make the salad, take any of the four types of fruits, cut them, and add some orange juice and one tablespoon of honey.

    Meals at the End of the Day

    No need to feel guilty for eating an apple right before bedtime. By following this diet, the body will get enough food, and you will not feel hunger at all. In addition, the calorie intake is quite low while the food itself is very tasty.

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    calorie, diet, weight, Weightloss

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    6 Responses to “How to Lose Weight in One Day?”

    Stomach Exercises Says:

    June 23rd, 2008 at 4:38 pm

    Don’t forget to add exercise to your daily routine if you are trying to lose weight

    kelsee Says:

    July 26th, 2008 at 12:59 pm

    thanks you.. i am a cheerleader but i am a flyer but i am always the heavy one and i am trusting your websit to help me because i am tierd of my coch telling me i am a heavy flyer and i get really sad after that

    thanks from kelsee

    Michael Says:

    July 26th, 2008 at 11:14 pm

    I’m not sure if this is a very realistic method to weight loss. Losing weight should be looked at with a long term view in mind as weight loss is achieved through habitual changes over a long time. Yes this would create a temorary loss of weight, however this is not a long term stategy if you wish to remain healthy.

    Sue Says:

    August 8th, 2008 at 9:13 pm

    For breakfast, when you say salad, is that a fruit salad?

    Elisha Says:

    August 13th, 2008 at 5:36 am

    I have done a fruit diet before very much like this, yes it does make you lose weight fast but it also leaves you still hungry alot and after you stop the diet you gain weight very fast.

    To be healthy and look great it’s not about diets, it’s about moderation. You can still eat foods you love (in moderation) and along with exercise.

    I agree with what Michael said about long term. Don’t forget you can’t expect things to just happen you have to work for them!

    Richard Says:

    August 17th, 2008 at 7:32 am

    Weight loss in one day? Losing weight and weight loss should be considered a long term solution and dieters should look at implementing a weight loss plan to lose weight over a sustained period of time.

    Jun 025 Reasons Why Women Can’t Lose Weight

    Diet & Weightloss Add commentsLots of women try to lose weight by dieting and working out, but far from all women manage to become slim this way. Scientists have discovered some psychological reasons, why women can’t lose weight, although they want it so much. Many of us have already experienced it: you eat less, avoid late dinners, work out almost every day, however, you can’t reach that desired slender waist and less weight. Here’s why.

    Reason 1 Why Women Can’t Lose Weight

    The first reason, why women can’t lose weight is the subconscious wish of every woman to be solid. This means, to feel she is big and powerful – this is enough to cope with problems. Sometimes this is not only a psychological feeling, but also a physical one, which makes one eat more.

    Reason 2 Why Women Can’t Lose Weight

    The second reason is shyness. Excess weight becomes a kind of protecting coat for many women. Under this coat there can often be found an unsure person. Scientists claim, when there’s “too much” of you, it helps cope with problems.

    Reason 3 Why Women Can’t Lose Weight

    Psychological traumas may also be the reason preventing women from losing weight. Those, who as a  

  9. thats such an easy thing to do!

    just control and minimize what you eat... And get lots of exercise

    I could lose 2 pounds in two days...

    Discipline is the main ingredient

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