
How to lose 2 inches of waist?

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If I run for 15 minutes a day, do 150 crunches, 100 jumping jacks, eat fruits and veggies and no junk food, how fast can I lose 2 inches off my waist??

Also do you have any other ideas that can help me.

Thanks so much




  1. i would recommend you running 45 minutes a day. it will lose the fat off much quicker! eat a big breakfast, a medium lunch, and a small dinner. but make sure you don't include any fatty food. don't eat after 7 PM because all the food is just going to turn into fat. make sure you keep yourself active during the day. do a little workout in the morning and a longer workout during the day. drink lots of water so you properly digest. green tea can make your metabolism faster, so you might want to try that. jump rope and hula hoop is fun and you lose calories while doing that. don't spend a lot of time on the computer or TV because it can cause you to over eat. and when you crave fatty food, just drink some water or pick up a fruit! im sure you can lose two inches in about a month or two! just keep working out and eating really healthy! good luck.

  2. doing that much i`d have lost 2 inches in 2-3 days. you need to apply yourself while you exercise. while doing crunches, try to exert as much force as possible through abdominal muscles and make a mental picture that ur abs are contracting and stretching through ur motion. always warm up before workout and stretch ur body thoroughly after it. try doing twist crunches in which u move ur torse to sides while going up. and always get somebody to hold ur legs, it would be much better. Mail me and i`ll give u more tips.

  3. Make sure you eat small meals frequently. Big meals in the morning and small ones in the afternoon. Careful with the fruit after lunch as it has lots of sugar. You most likely are a disciplined eater already. Make sure you get protein and some carbs too. If your looking to lose inches off your weight and it is fat, then you are going to just have to train because no matter what anyone says you can't lose fat in a focused spot unless you get liposuction, which is a bad idea. If it isn't fat maybe it is because you aver work your abs. The more you work them the stronger they will get, muscles that get stronger get bigger. Hope this helps, good luck.

  4. There is really no definite answer to this question.

    All the things you say are smart approaches to overall fitness, but people's bodies all react differently to exercise.

    I think maybe it would be smart to run for a longer period of time- your body just starts to adjust to a higher heart rate from running at about 15 minutes, to burn the most calories, you need to keep it up for at least half an hour.

    With good cardio, and crunches, you should start to notice results right away- but depending on how much extra weight you carry the results, and timeline will be varied.

    It is NOT AT ALL a healthy idea, but those weight loss pills you see commercials for make you drop weight really fast. To be blunt (and not scientific), it just makes you go to the bathroom like crazy.

    Be warned though, this means you digest your food before your body has time to take the nutrients out. It can make you tired and weak feeling while you are on the pills and usually you gain the weight back once you stop taking them. They are usually loaded with Niacin, which with some people can make you get a "Niacin Flush" which is like, this really weird allergic-type reaction to the drug. Only lasts about 20 minutes but can be kind of embarrassing.

    I guess it all depends on how much you want to lose, how desperate you are, and if you are willing to take the easy way out...

    Good Luck!

  5. How fat are you now? It makes a difference. The more fat you have the faster you lose it.

    If you're dieting and exercising regularly, I'd say one inch every 3 months is realistic.

  6. Eat plenty of green vegetables. They are low in calories and high in nutrition. Also lift weights in circuit fashion to get a cardio workout plus stimulate your lean body tissue and speed up your metabolism. Here are some free workout videos and other tips to lose weight fast..

  7. It sounds to me that you're doing everything you need to do. There is a certain point where your body naturally wants to maintain that size. For some people it's big some people it's small. Your eating habits sound good, you could try cutting out meat and eating vegetarian meat replacements. I lost a lot of weight changing to a vegan lifestyle.

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