
How to lose 20 pounds in 2 months?

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My name is tori and i am in 8th grade i need to lose 20 pounds in 2 months. i dont really like to eat salad for lunch because the container is to big for my tote bag. can you guys design me a diet plan to lose 20 pounds. i have the excersise down i am going to bike ride 8 miles a day and hip hop abs 2-3 times a week and possibly a kick boxing class once a week. thkz




  1. walk about 2 miles a day about 3 x a week instead of riding your bike eat nothing after 6pm but eat 3 meals a day when you get up go for your walk and then eat protien, remeber your body has no choice but to burn fat if you go to bed without eating then get up exercise and then eat protien.

  2. eat smaller portions

  3. Go or line or go to a "Sturdee" health food store and buy some "Sea Silver" I will be waiting for your thanks and good report about this product.

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