
How to lose 3 pounds a week?

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i weight 168 and want to get to 145 by halloween can anyone give me a work out plan and how to eat...thanks




  1. dont eat junk food and drink lots of water (no soda) and dont go to mcdonalds and places like that AND EXCERCISE! :D

  2. If you want to lose weight some weeks. You can try Lose weight a week plan first!

    Day 1:

    Eat the soup accompanied with watermelon and melon for your main food all day long. Consume a glass of unsweetened cranberry juice before you go to bed.

    Day 2:

    Stop eating fruit at all! Consume your soup and you are allowed to eat green salad. Make sure the salad contain no dressings, peas and corns.

    For dinner you can consume roasted potato or baked potato with butter (don't ever think to fry it)

    Day 3:

    Consume the soup, salad and fruit but no potato today.

    Day 4:

    Eat the soup accompanied with a glass of skimmed milk. Consume 8 pieces of banana to provide your body enough energy. Your body now need carbohydrate and protein also calcium to lessen body need for sugar.

    Day 5

    Eat your soup again. Today you should consume salad and salmon fish. Make sure the salmon fish don't exceed 10 ounces.

    Day 6

    You should consume maximum 10 ounces of meat along with your soup. You need the protein here.

    Last Day

    Consume 4 table spoons of rice with vegetables. Drink fresh watermelon or melon juice without sugar and eat your soup also today.

    Search: How do I lose weight in a week?;_ylt=A0oG...

    Please enjoy it!

  3. depends on your body weight, age, and how in shape you are. but for me when i am on a mission to lose weight fast, i just watch my calories like a hawk, try to eat as much fiber as possible, and exercised like 2 hours a day. i usually never ate more than 1000 calories. lost weight real fast. and never felt weak or anything. you just learn to choose your calories wisely. and eat the healthy stuff, its less calories so you can eat more of it. good luck!

  4. starve

  5. Try Weight Watchers online..and get a personal trainer.

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