
How to lose 55 pounds in 7 months plz help me?

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well i'm 13 and i weigh like a ton, probaby like 165lbs and i'm so fat and my thighs are soooo huge and dont say i havent finish devloping because i have finished, doctor said so...i had a puberty problem -.-...well anyways i wanna know how do i lose weight before i go to high school i wanna look skinnier i walk buit i just dont have time to do it noww because of homework i'm doing and the computer rite now so i wanna know how to:

eat right

exercise right but not at the gym like in my house

and how to measure inches of my body

plz help i have been so depressed about it a long time and ppl always pick on me because i differnt from the and i dont want any health problems either





  1. You should get 30 minutes of exercise everyday to start with. Three days a week you may want to try exercising for a full hour. My favorite way to exercise is to go hiking. Biking or jogging are also good. If you live by a park, try to go hiking there. Walking everyday (at a brisk pace, so that your breathing quickens and you can just barely carry on a conversation) is also good. If you have a dog, that is a great excuse to get outside and start walking. Everything counts, even running a dog around the block daily. Inside the house, try jogging in place, doing jumping jacks, jumping rope, or dancing to your favorite album (as long as it's fast-paced!) for a half hour - just keep moving for that time. Aerobic exercise is the best way to lose weight. Doing exercises like crunches, push ups, leg lifts, stretches, and squats will help tone up your muscles and burn some calories, but they won't do much unless you are also doing stuff like running and walking.

    For eating right, cut out all soda, sugary drinks, and processed foods from your diet. When you are thirsty, stick to water (occasionally having a glass of low-fat milk or 100% juice is OK). No potato chips, no buttered popcorn (unbuttered popcorn is fine when you make it at home), no pretzels, no top ramen. Try to eat lots of fresh fruits and vegetables. When you want a snack, try having an apple and a handful of raisins or almonds. Eat less meat and cheese. Look at nutrition labels and try to find foods that are high in fiber and protein, and low in saturated fat and cholesterol.

    Some meal ideas:


    Cheerios and low-fat milk

    Old fashioned oat meal (don't add sugar) and a piece of fruit

    Scrambled egg whites and a piece of whole-grain toast


    Cheese sandwich (just don't go overboard on the cheese, use whole-grain bread, and load it with lettuce, tomato, pickle, sprouts, and other veggies).

    Peanut butter sandwich (Peanut butter is high in calories, but it has good fats, and lots of protein.)


    Cottage cheese and fruit

    Veggies and rice


    Lentil soup

    Veggie stir-fry

    Pasta with vegetables and sauce

    Tomato soup


    Cottage cheese


    Nuts (unsalted and un-roasted)

    A handful of Cheerios

    Good luck!

    PS To measure inches on your body, take a piece of string and measure around the part of your body you wish to measure. Then measure the string with a rule or tape measure.  

  2. Eat healthy foods. Avoid foods that are high in sugar. Stay away from everything that has High Fructose Corn Syrup.

    When counting fat, avoid foods that have a fat calories 33% or more than the total calories in the food.

    Use: to count your calories.

    As for exercise, do 30 minutes of weight lifting and follow up with 20 minutes of cardiovascular. For cardiovascular, you just need to bring your heart rate up to 130-140 which is not that much! Try to exercise 3 times a week.

  3. I LOVED FatLoss4idiots. I tried it 2 weeks ago for weight loss. It was one of the sweetest programs I have ever seen.

    The best advice I can give you is to check it out at

  4. I was totally overweight, I decided to lose weight.

    I went from 250 lbs to 170 in about 6 months.

    If I can do it, anyone else can too! put your mind into it and you'll get there.

    Best of Luck!


  5. Well you should buy a treadmill and run each day for 30 minutes. If you dont have a treadmill, then every evening, just jog outside. You may also want to go on a diet so you dont eat up what your burning each day. keep a goal of eating 3-5 meals eahc day and about 200-250 calories per meal.

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