
How to lose 80 pounds from 3 to 6 months?

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I'm 16 yrs old and i weigh 230 pounds my height is 5.5;I need a good diet i can stick to,I love fast food and i hate healthy foods like salad and brown bread help what should i do?




  1. dieting dosnt mean you HAVE to give up all fast food, but you do need to choose what you eat better, so if you go to the golden arches, skip on the mayo and cheese, and skip out on the large fries.  also don't forget, exercise is a must.  the only true way to lose weight is to burn more calories than you take in.  cardio, cardio, cardio.  mixing in weight lifting is good, but for burning fat, low weight high reps  

  2. Atkins my friend, it works wonders and you never have to go hungry or feel deprived.

  3. well if you can't let go of fast food there are a few of options:

    -get sandwiches with grilled chicken instead of beef or fried chicken

    -don't get cheese on burgers (substitute by using more sauce, at mcdonalds i like the honey mustard sauce and put it on everything)

    -get smaller portions (a single burger instead of a big mac)

    -milkshakes are the worst for you at most fast food places. avoid them like the plague

    -substitue diet soda for whatever you have been drinking

    -avoid excess sugars

    -go to coldstone creamery and get the "nrgize" yogurt. its sweet and tangy and only has 25 calories per serving and is a good substitute for ice cream cravings. they can also use it in milkshakes for fat free milkshakes

    -eat healthy foods with lots of sauce. like eat lettuce with tons of fat free dressing and tons of croutons or eat carrots and celery with tons of fat free ranch or barbecue sauce

    -try eating roasted edamame. theyre basically really salty, roasted japanese beans. for me they have been a great substitute for chips. they dont taste quite as good as chips, bu they take care of the pangs for something salty and crunchy and are low fat and have a ton of protein.

    -cook burgers at home using super lean ground beef. ask at your supermarket and a butcher or anyone working there can show you where it is. if you go buy a couple of pounds of super lean ground beef and use those to barbecue burgers either as you want them or once a week and then refrigerate and microwave them you will be very satisfied.

    -try drinking diet soda or fat free milk or water when you're hungry. if you are still hungry 5 minutes after having two or three glasses of water, then you can eat. but often your hunger pangs may be from thirst.

    -find a personal trainer and they will help you both with your diet and exercise to maximize the effects of your diet. diet alone is almost useless if you need to lose that kind of weight. you've probably heard this hundreds of times, but you need to become active in order to lose the weight. if you arent able to keep up a schedule of exercise on your own, join a sport at your school that isn't really serious in their expectations but still involves physical activity in their practices. at my school that's lacrosse. you might also want to look into football, because football requires size, and your coaches can instruct and supervise you in workout routines to turn your weight into useful muscle.

  4. diet and yoga ,

  5. You won't be able to do it. It could easily take you two years to lose that much weight.  

  6. sorry but i dont think u can lose THAT much weight in such a short amount of time...i just began taking "ALLi" and it limits SO MUCH i totally understand..this morning  i had a whole wheat toast with a little bit of peanut butter and a piece of was disgusting...but hey you gotta do what you gotta do. Check out many things that work, and find the best one for you.  

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