
How to lose weight? (12 ilbs in 10 weeks)?

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Hey everyone,

I am 16 years old, I am 5" 5 (give or take some). I have a body "like Marilyn Monroe's" except I'm a little more chunky then her. I think my ideal body would be "her body". I was wondering how could I lose 12-15 ilbs in 10 weeks? I am looking for an exercise plan that is easy and quick. Because I have school all day, and work in the evenings.

I personally think 12-15 ilbs in 10 weeks basically 2 months is not to much to you...any advice.

Heres a picture or MM. See how her stomach is nice and flat thats what i want. By the way I'm around 125 some day more or less =]

THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!! =D




  1. I would suggest a cleansing diet. I lost 12 pounds in 9 days and then 28 pounds in less than a month. I also lost a lot of inches too!   I learned that cleansing will help the body get rid of toxins.  Toxins come from a lot of things like fast food, pollution, food additives and preservatives and lots of other things.  The toxins get stored in the fat in our body.  To get rid of the fat, we have to get rid of the toxins by cleansing the body.  This made sense to me and I decided to try a cleanse program and it worked.  The weight came off fast and this kept me motivated to keep going, not like other diets where the weight loss it too slow. I did Jenny Craig, Weight Watcher and Medifast.  If you want to learn more call the toll free number 1-877-587-4647 or check out the website.  This was the first time I ever did a cleanse, it was easy and I feel better.  Good luck whatever you decide to do!

  2. Here is a good rule of thumb to remember:

    1 lb = 3500 calories

    At first that sounds like a lot but break it down like this:

    3500 divided by 7 = 500

    So 500 calories per day

    Even that may still sound like a lot to change, so think of it like this:

    Its a "net change" so if you could consume 300 fewer calories, and exercise enough to burn 200 more calories, then:

    You would loose an average of a pound a week.

    Just remember, a can of pop (depending on what you drink) is a little under 200 calories, so if your drinking 2 cans a day, thats an easy 300-400 a day right there. Start looking at all the little things, they add up.

    Making a net change of 500 calories a day is pretty easy for most people, not much less that you have to eat, and really not much exercise.

    Make a net change of 1000 calories a day and you could start loosing 2 lbs a week.

    Hope it all makes sense.

  3. To lose weight needs your perseverance , i should say. keep a  balanced dinner each day, do jogging every evening, have some water and fruit before your dinner, and for me, whenever i really fall in love with someone, and he doesn't know ,i will become thinner very quickly, for i'm just too happy to eat~ feel strange?

  4. try to run and on the week ends swim. also try to do a lots of crunchs. hope this helps some!

  5. go here:

    they can make a free food guide/plan and exercise guide to start losing weight! good luck

  6. East six small measl throutout the day rather then thee big ones....dont east after 6 pm ,,,,,,,and drink losts of water ....and NO juice or caffine then  exersise with Jack  

  7. you can skipping at home...

    If you really want to lose weight effectively, please feel free to visit this sites..

    it provide a lot information in order to lose weight..



  8. you can lose those easily and get the perfect body ..

    1 you need to eat healthy food .. more fruits and veggies .. and drink more water (perfect for the skin too) .... and reduce fat from your food .. you can do this easily and this doesn't take time from your day schedule

    2 you need to do some home exercises .. or u can go out run in the morning visit this blog you'lll find a very helpful tips and information .. some easy home exercises and tips for food information

    good luck

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