
How to lower gas prices?

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Is it in our hands?




  1. NO, unless the whole country goes on strike lol...nah but it's all in the "president"....whatever, might as well be off with no president, since they are good for NOTHING!!!

  2. Reycle. If were actually reycled ever singe soda can we drank out of,it would power a tv for 43,000,000 hours. might also help use that energy instead of gas.Watch that show human foot print to actually change your mind about the world.

  3. It's not in our hands.  All we can do is use less.  I also don't buy anything at gas stations except gas.  No snacks, pop, coffee, convenience items.

    Right now it doesn't make sense, usage is down but prices still going up.  I really think it's strange that one day a barrel of oil drops by 4 bucks, the largest drop since March. Then the next day "speculators" say that a barrel will be 150 bucks by July 4th.  Then the market tumbles and oil and pump prices jump.

    We all need to calm down, decrease our usage and let the big oil companies know that when this is all over, they will be in the hot seat.

  4. gas prices are skyrocketing as quickly as the dollar is falling, that's all.

    The national debt and the Fed's manipulation of the money supply is the cause.

    stronger dollar would mean lower gas prices.  

    it's something congress and the prez candidates could correct with one simple law; but since they are the cause, they're not willing to address it.

  5. Nope Bush is making tooo much money to lower it (he owns half of the gas anyway) he thinks we are SUCKERS and we are proveing it b/c we keep paying it

  6. yep.  start making rational decisions about travel, especially the kind of cars we buy, and how far we live from our work.  Also, look at the amount of money we spend on a car or truck.  Its often far more than we need, in terms of weight, and size, for most of our uses.

    when gas gets to $5 or $7 dollars a gallon or more, we will be more than happy to start driving a super lightweight small plug in car in the city, and rent a car or truck when we take a trip or need to haul something.   If we decide as a nation to start using more mass transit and devote some portion of our urban streets to ultralight motorized vehicles, we can easily cut our transportation costs by 75% or more, just by right sizing and allowing the private sector to make renting larger and special purpose vehicles more convenient.

    Ever fly into Las Vegas and rent a car?   All of the rental places are in one location, near the airport.  you go in, get in line, and in just a short time you are driving out of the facility in the kind of car you want, with a full tank of gas and a map showing you exactly how to get where you are going.   Envision that on the edge of your city, in each direction, making multi mode transportation almost seamless, and allowing you to pay only for the transportation you actually use, rather than leaving one or two very large, heavy and expensive vehicles sitting idle most of the day

  7. the only way to lower gas prices in the us would be to pass a law forcing everyone to buy hybirds electric cars etc. (although this wud increase amount of $$ on cars ) then the suply and demand would decreases causing a steep drop in gas prices because we wouldnt need gas anymore. The only reason why gas is 4-5 a gallon is because the demand is so much and people cant live without so the middle east just says heyy they want it they need it they'll pay as much as they can for it. so the only way to stop the increasing rise in gas is to simply use hybird cars and get less dependent on gas from. :]

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