
How to maintain a pond?

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I have just bought a new house which has a large pond. The house had not been occupied for quite some time and the pond had gotten a green covering over it and very full of pond weed. I have since scooped off a lot off the top and found it still has a few fish living in it. The pump works (Although get clogged up a lot) and I was hoping it would clear the water out and I would not need to do much to it but it hasn't. I have never owned a pond before and want to know how to bring it back to life as it is starting to grow the green stuff on top again. I have never owned a pond in the past but would like to keep the fish and get it looking nice. My questions is how? What do I need to do to firstly clean it up and then to maintain it? The water is very green and murky.





  1. You left a very important factor out.  What is the size of your pond?

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