
How to make 4-5 graders love you?

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I'm at a sports camp for kids grades 4-5. I'm a councelor and I love kids and they love me. I have one this before and I am always trying to improve myself as a councelor. This camp requires me to teach a lot a be a leader. How can I get the kids to listen, love me, and have fun? What do they like? Any additional information would be appreciated. Thanks!




  1. I teach camps too, but my counselors are ususally the ones the kids really love .  Just be silly, entertain them, be like a big brother/big sister -- fun, nice, funny, etc.  This 14 yr old boy who worked my last camp with me would sing Hannah Montana songs to my 1st and 2nd grade girls.  They thought he was really something!  If they invest in you emotionally, they will then listen to you when you have to teach them something.

  2. These days kids are so much swifter than before.  So you shouldn't try to oversell it by overdoing it.  Instead be their cool older teenage friends.  You can amaze them by teaching them some cool trick that they may not know.  Teach them some cool dance moves.  Come up with a trick of the day.

  3. hi being a teacher i like to treat my 4-6 grade students very friendly instead of becoming adult to them if you come to their level maturely and make them comfortable with you like talk to them about all the topics which they like ask their opinion and agree to them or put some more question that why they think like that address them with their name or give some nice nick to them which appreciates them, Tell them stories about your child hood if you want them to listen to you or make fictious story  of any situation they are goingb through and tell the cosequences. So they feel that it was real and keep on asking their opinion . I think it will help.

  4. Ok guys, and if you get your cabin really clean tomorrow I'll l**k the shape of *whatever* on the porch! Our counselor did that today because he was late and he said if he was late he would l**k our camp symbol on the porch (a lightning bolt)!!! It was fun! Another counselor ate a cobweb! (A piece of one actually) It was so funny and don't teach them dance moves trust me everyone hates that!!

  5. You can't make anyoe love you...I am thinking you're in the wrong place if you are looking to MAKE these kids love you, listen to you etc.  You have to be able to have the skill to guide children BEFORE you take on a job that requires you to do so.  Asking how to do it indicates to me that you dont' have those skills.

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