
How to make Friends in the 2 week of school?

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i have no Friends yet and it is sad and boring. I'm in 7th grade i need help don't tell me how to be my self i don't know how to be my self. duffy




  1. You don't know how to be yourself? I'm sure you do.

    When I was in 7th grade I was at a new school in a new town. I know what its like, but a way that helped me was by talking to the kids around me. I'd ask them stuff about the schoolwork and then I'd talk to them about other stuff and get to know them. Sometimes I'd ask what they were doing for lunch and then they'd tell me and they'd save me a seat. You really just gotta put yourself out there, its not easy but just biting the bullet is sometimes all you can do. Find people who look like they'd be good friends and talk to them. If its not too late, join a club or sport and get to know people there.

    Whatever you do though, don't give up. Put forth an effort to meet new friends and make the first move. Don't feel discouraged, good friends take time to find but its so worth it. These times may be frustrating for you but let me tell you, they will make you into a stronger person. :)

    Good luck and hang in there!!

  2. I'm having the same problem. Except I'm a 10th grader and I'm not new, my friends just ignore me. I personally find befriending teachers to be easier. You don't have to worry about getting angry or losing friends. My teachers are all very understanding and they talk to me when we have down time in class. I'm only alone during lunch and passing periods. Plus, teachers can offer advice on how to make student friends. Good luck!

  3. well talk to the people in your class or on the bus thats how i make friends

  4. I know what you're going through.  Making friends takes time.  All through out 2nd-8th grade I moved around a lot and had to make new friends almost every year.  Just be friendly with whoever else is, as time goes on, you'll find your niche and group of friends.  Though, being yourself is better, its really hard to be yourself when you're new to a school, I know, but just do what YOU want to do, wear what YOU want to wear, and act how YOU want to act.  After time goes on, you'll get the hang of it and people will love you for it.  It took me about 2 years of trying to be myself and here I am, probably the most known and popular person of my high school and town.  I'm known for being myself, not following others, not caring about what everyone else is into, being friendly, caring about my friends a lot, and just being a all and all chill person.

    Its a lot easier to make friends in 7th grade, but I'll tell you this, when you hit 9th grade, sometimes even 8th, all the people you associated with, talked to, were friends with, won't even look at you in some cases.

  5. Ok, just go up to someone at lunch and ask them where a certain class is. Tell them that u got transferred and arent quite shure where its at. Sometimes that is a convo starter and will give u a place to sit at lunch!

  6. I like being alone, but when I first met my friend, Jewell; I was sitting alone at my desk. One way to get a friend when your new is to look for someone else that's new or alone. If no one is alone, I would find someone that doesn't look popular or 'in the crowd'.

  7. Lol, it is annoying when people tell you to be yourself. Just be nice, confident but not cocky, and make people laugh. Don't worry, if you're new at school and it's only the second week, it'll be naturally kind of difficult to make friends. No one can really tell you how to make friends, you sorta just have to figure it out for yourself.

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