
How to make Moroccan lamb less spicy?

by  |  earlier

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I made a morrocan lamb dish, but it's too spicy, does anyone have any ideas how to tone down the spicyness?

Some spices used in it already are; honey, coriander, turmeric,cumin paprika, ginger and harrisa paste.

The sauce contains mostly tinned tomatoes.




  1. Try adding small amounts of cream to the harrisa paste.

  2. Try using less ginger because too much ginger will really make it spicy!!

  3. You don't say what kind of paprika you used, but if it was hot and added harissa too that's your problem.  To tone down "heat" from the spices we usually add dairy products such as cream, yogurt, creme fraiche, etc.  The only thing is that you can't heat the sauce too much or the dairy will split, cool it down before adding.

  4. use less of the SPICY spices...DUH!!!!!!!!!

  5. Looking at your ingredient list, I think the harissa paste must be adding the spicy heat to your dish.  Simply decrease the amount or omit the harissa paste.  You dont want to add too many other ingredients, this will change the flavor & taste of the dish.

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