
How to make Potassium Chlorate?

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dose and anyone know hot to make potassium chlorate




  1. Potassium Chlorate Maker:


         When the pan of lye is set up, put two inches of bleach in the bottle and

    a teaspoon of Sani-Flush and put in the stopper quickly.  You won't be harmed

    bu the little has that will escape during the process but it is unpleasant to


         When the bottle stops generating gas, test the lye solution with a piece

    of red litmus paper.  If the paper turns blue it means the stuff is not done

    yet.  Pour the bleach out and give the bottle another dose.  When the red

    litmus paper stays red, that means the lye has been neutralized and the process

    is finished.

         Red and blue litmus paper, for testing acids and alkalies, can be bought

    at the drug store.  If you want the best you should ask for pHydrion paper.

    This is superior to litmus paper.

         When the lye has been neutralized the pan is put on the stove and brought

    to a slow boil.  Then turn down the fire until there is no turbulence on the

    surface.  Let it evaporate this way until a thin layer of crystal forms on the

    surface.  Then turn off the fire and let it cool.

         As it cools, four and six-sided, pearly scales will form.  After several

    hours, when all crystallization has stopped, collect the crystals and dissolve

    them in their own volume of cold water.  Put the solution in a smaller pan and

    repeat the crystallization process.  This time you will have pure potassium

    chlorate and any impurities will remain in the solution.

                                Potassium Chlorate Maker



                               |        | <== Tubing

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                              ||        |               +--------

                             /  \       | To Outside ==>|

                            /    \  ____|_______________|____

                            |    |  \   |    Cake Pan       /

                            |    |   \  |                  /

                            |####|    \%|%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%/

                            |####|     \+----+%%%%%%%%%%%/

                            |####|      \%%%%|%%%%%%%%%%/

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                            |____|        \___________/

                               ^                    ^

                               |                    |

                            Bleach              Aerator



  2. react equal moles of potassium hydroxide and chloric acid. evaporate the solution to dryness. the salt will be potassium chlorate.

    read the material safety data sheet of potassium hydroxide and chloric acid as these are notorious chemicals that react violently or even explodes.

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