
How to make a 2d game ?

by  |  earlier

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Well my question is where do i start ?

I know c++ at a medium level , also know other languages as actionscript and java as well so if i need something new i can learn it . I have a descent skill at photoshop too so that wont be a problem . Ive been searching the net on a tutorial from which i can get started from .

Any help will do thank you




  1. these r some 1 game books some ppl found kool

    Plz check google's books as there r so cute books( i am not advertising : :)

  2. I'd suggest taking a look at and reading through the forms.

    2D Games used Sprite's for rendering dynamic content, and often a simple picture as the background.

    There are some Game development SDK's you may want to look into as well. is a 3D game engine

    or a list of 2D Game Engines you may want to start with.

    Almost all of the engines will have example source code to play with.

  3. If you know Actionscript, then that's probably where you should start, since it's so simple to get started. Then if you want to move on to more complex games, you'll have the video game basics down pat.

    I recommend you check out they have several ActionScript video tutorials, including video game development. They are all video tutorials that are created by experts. I've learned ActionScript (as well as other things) from that site, and I am completely satisfied. Then I recommend buying "ActionScript 3.0 Game Programming University" by Gary Rosenzweig.

    With those 2 resources I've created several video games, including one very complex platform game.

  4. Since you already know some c++ look into SDL or Allegro both very good game libraries you can use for making 2D games.

    LazyFoo's tutorials for SDL should get you started. For allegro look into

    Also look at this page

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