
How to make a aloe vera lotion?

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  1. Here is the gel recipe, you could add a plain lotion to it though i'm not sure of that would work because that i've never tried. I hope this works for you!

    Make your own Aloe Vera Gel

    2 teaspoons Aloe Concentrate

    40 oz distilled water

    2 Tablespoon Thickener

    Preservative (follow package instructions)

    Liquid Colorant if desired

    Dissolve 2 tsp of Aloe Concentrate in 20 ounces of water.

    While the powder is dissolving, heat 20 oz of water to 140 degrees. Slowly stir in 2 tablespoons of thickener. Stir until mixture thickens.

    Add the preservative of your choice. does not sell preservatives. If you do not have one, you can store the mixture in the refrigerator for up to 2 weeks.

    Combine aloe liquid and thickener mixture together with a stick blender. Blend until thoroughly mixed. Mixture will be foamy, so let it sit for about 12 hours until it completely clears.

    Yields five 8 ounces bottles.

  2. why waste time when available in market ,

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