
How to make a betta fish happy?

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I just got my new betta! Awesome. So anyways, I want to maximize it's happiness. Can anyone give me a couple tips on my how to make my betta fish feel royal?

Also, how do you know it's happy? Does it show any signs or do something?

Here's some extra info on what I'm doing to take care of him.

-I keep him in a 1.84 L tank.

-I feed him flakes

-I keep some gravel and 1 fake plant in the tank.




  1. 1.8 litre.....bit small. Does he have a heater? filter? A happy betta is colourful and really active, a sad one looks dead. Best way to make a betta happy, keep him in 5 litres or more, have a heater and filter and give him some company. Mines in a 28 litre with 3 dwarf corys some neons and a apple snail but ive had him with guppys too. So i cant really say more other then, bigger tank mate.= ) Best of luck Angel

  2. i have a betta too.

    theres nothing you can ESPECIALLY DO

    but just come visit him often, let him get to know you

    bettas are such amazing creatures..

    also, you know hes happy when hes active..if hes always swimming all around hes happy(:

  3. well, for starters the tnaks too small=[ i can understand why your misleaded with all the mis guided info out there-- even the pet store employees. but, truly a betta needs a 5g tank with heater and filter... so get him that. they also need lots of coverage from plants. as for the food they need variety. 1/2 the diet pellets and the other half a mix of:


    tubifex worms


    brine shrimp

    well, thats all i can think of=] best of luck to you and you lil fishy =]!

  4. gice it varieties of food, and maybe a bigger tank and some real plants, a heating system, and a filter so you dont have to touch it alot to clean the water

  5. He will be happier in a 5 gallon tank with a heater, and if you feed him betta pellets or frozen bloodworm rather than flakes.

  6. Look at him from time to time, always feed him on time.  They're easy to please.

  7. What u r going for your bata fish sounds perfect! A sign of a heathy bata fish male or female is if they have bubbles at the top of their bowls. Keep up the good work!

  8. use a heater in the tank and a filter. i would cycle the tank to also make him =) . congradulations!!!!! =D i just got 2 new hermit crabs!!! =) also good luck!!!!! =D

  9. thats perfect for a betta  

  10. 1.84 litres is only 0.486076576 US gallons

    2.5 gallons is the minimum aquarium size and they need heaters

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