
How to make a bonzai?

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How to make a bonzai?




  1. Bonsai is the ancient Japanese garden art of training miniature trees. Here's a quick and easy way to create miniatures that have some of the character of true bonsai without the painstaking demands.

    Things You’ll Need:

    1-gallon Shrubs

    Aquarium Gravel

    Bypass Pruners

    Cottonseed Meal

    Fish Emulsions

    Potting Soil

    Shallow Planting Containers

    Window Screens


    Select a tree. Start with common garden plants such as azalea, boxwood, camellia, cotoneaster, gardenia, hibiscus, holly, juniper, pyracantha and rhaphiolepis. Look for 1-gallon-sized shrubs with branches that either grow upward or hang facing down - whichever you prefer.

    Step2 Using bypass pruners, make an initial pruning of the plant while it's in the original nursery container. Find its central trunk and remove enough growth until you plainly see the structure of the front - the side that will be displayed.

    Step3 Remove the plant from its container and place the root ball in a bucket of water. This will make it easier to reduce the soil around the roots for fitting into a bonsai container.

    Step4 Remove as much of the soil around the root ball as possible to fit the plant into a shallow decorative container.

    Step5 Trim the roots until they are reduced to 2/3 of their original size. You will have a shallow root ball when you are finished pruning.

    Step6 Place a piece of plastic window screen over the container's drain holes to prevent the soil mix from washing out as you water. The screen will also prevent insects from entering through the holes.

    Step7 Add a 1-inch layer of potting soil mix to the bottom of the container.

    Step8Place the plant in the container, spread the roots out over the layer of soil, and cover them with more soil. Make sure you leave at least 1 inch of space below the rim of the container so you can water.

    Step9 Finish pruning the remaining foliage. Trim away stems and branches in such a way that the remaining growth has the branch structure of a tree. Keep in mind that once you cut something off, you can't put it back.

    Step10Water the tree well to soak the soil thoroughly.

    Step11 Cover the surface of the soil with aquarium gravel for a finished appearance.

    Step12Feed with small amounts of fertilizer at frequent intervals, or choose a slow-release fertilizer. Fish emulsion or cottonseed meal are recommended sources of nutrients.

  2. if you are talking about drinks click the link below hope this helps
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