
How to make a carburetor engine achieve more RPM?

by Guest67155  |  earlier

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How can you make in-line 4 cylinder engine which redline is 6.000 RPM from factory go 9.000 RPM or let's say 10.000? The stock Compression is 8.2:1 I see civics have 10:1 or something like that and can go 10.000+.

What do I need to change to make the engine handle 9-10K RPM?




  1. forged internals, port and polished head, cams, lots of money someone who can build a motor for you.

  2. A steel crank, get it magna fluxed. See what con rods & pistons  are available for your engine. Then get a quality head from your favorite performance shop.

  3. One thing to remember when doing this is the accessories.

    A lot of alternators, power steering pumps and AC pumps can not take these kind of R's!

    Yes, get the parts inspected. Buy better connecting rods and pistons. But don't forget to have them balanced.

    Also don't forget the valve train. I am not that sure about what options you have for a Civic engine, but the springs and keepers are a weak link in most engines. When these are beefed up, the valves need to be able to take the strain.

    If Honda has a valve train that take will take the strain, go for one of these.

    After all Honda builds some great performance engines don't they build the Indy engines?

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