
How to make a friendster layout using my picture?

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How to make a friendster layout using my picture?




  1. NOTE: CSS code must be available. this is for editing only.

    here's my style in doing that thing. this is slightly tricky.

    -have u got your picture already? you need the photo so you will be able to start this tutorial.

    -if its ready start doing this, first, upload the photo in your friendster photo album. the normal way of uploading pictures. yah i know you know that....hehe..=) easy..:-)

    -after that, view the picture u have uploaded.

    -right click on that image

    -go to properties.

    -copy the location or i guess its called URL (ex.

    -then if youre done copying that go to customize page (i know u know where it is located.(= )

    *heres the hardest part of it..

    -the "note" above is extremely important. have you seen this text or codes in the first box of advance customization area? i mean, it is not exactly like that. the text ofcourse is different.

    background-image: url(

    -next thing to do is, erase the URL in the original layout.

    so it should be look like this:



    -after doing that, paste the URL of the picture you have chosen. the one you have uploaded awhile ago. remember?lol=) put it inside the parentheses "()".

    now,it should look like this:



    so ure now done.

    dont forget to save it. =)

    charmie Encarnacion luardo  --->gensaN!

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