
How to make a out door turtle home?

by  |  earlier

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my two pet turtles are growing up and im starting to thing about putting them out side i want to make an above ground one and so can u tell me how to make it and how i can filter it and heat it ect ect........




  1. well i tried that with my turtles but i never finished out the idea because it was just a pin for daytime.

    i bought a roll of chicken wire and dug in a circle about 3 ft dow then put down the chicken wire. i dug in the middle of the pin and used cheap plaster to line the hole and filled it with water once it dried. i used a bucket and cut out a "door" and glued leaves to the outside for effect for shelter.

    threw in a bunch of leaves and sticks and my turtles loved it.

    i was too afraid to keep them out all night because around here we have foxs and alot of wild dogs.

  2. drag them outside

  3. You should build a pond... At sears they sell these ponds that all you have to do is dig a hole....Then you put it in the ground

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