
How to make a peppermint beverage(cold)?

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when growing up, we used peppermint leaves to make a cold drink,I know that water and sugar and the leaves were used,but can't recall how?




  1. peppermint schnapps + ice = your welcome and enjoy

  2. Why on earth would baked recommend an alcoholic drink on a non alcoholic board????

    It might be easer just to get a mint tea. I am sure you can do it by getting mint leaves and brewing it yourself but that sounds like it would take a little experimintation to get a combination you like.

  3. Boil water with sugar and when it turns to nectar add peppermint and leave it for about 5-10 minute on the stove.

    Then leave it as far as getting cold & put it in some bottle and leave it in refrigerator. When want to drink get a glass put some syrup add some ice with water.

    Note: During the time of boiling if you like you can add a little vinegar.

  4. Mint julep


    Peppermint - lime ade

    iced peppermint sweet tea

    or you could wrap leaves in cheese cloth so as to make a tea bag, boil in water (amount depends on amount of leaves) to bring the flavor out, reduce, simmer, add sugar may add some peppermint extract.

  5. Take a few leaves of fresh organic herb peppermint leaves, steep leaves in boiling water for 5 minutes, remove leaves, add sugar to taste.  Allow to cool and refrigerate.  When serving add ice cubes, one small fresh leaf, slice of lemon optional.

    One could also add small leaf to each ice cube before freezing so that a leaf or the flower of the peppermint is incased within the ice cube used in the drink.


    In the UK you can also buy peppermint, tea, powders, oil and capsules from the health food shop.

  6. A non alcholic way would be to get a peppermint teabag and sugar, boil some water, add teabag and sugar, put in fridge then drink!

  7. "a peppermint tea can be brew, this tea is very soothing and having a cup of peppermint is the perfect relaxing drink, the herbal tea can be prepared by slowly infusing 5 ml or 1 teaspoon of the dried peppermint leaves or 15 ml or 3 teaspoons of crushed fresh peppermint leaves in 250 ml or 1 cup of boiling water. Gradually steep the herb in the water for maximum taste."   add ice and u have chilled.  

    other ideas are on this link as well

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