
How to make a popsicle as a prop?

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I'm working props for a show coming up at my school and I need to make a popsicle. It's black box, so it has to look good from fairly close up. It also needs to be pretty lightweight, as well as inexpensive. Any ideas?




  1. Prepare a large, 1 lb. sized coffee can full of plaster and stick a popsicle down in it.  Make sure just a little is uncovered, between the sticks.  When the plaster's started to stiffen, pull out the popsicle sticks and drain out the melted syrup.  That's your mold.

    Well - I recall using sand molds, but I'm lost now.

    Okay.  Use fine grade sand, get it wet, enough in a box (lined with plastic) to lay a popsickle down twice.  Mold the popsicle into the sand, then do it again right next to it.  Then let it melt and save the sticks.

    Pour plaster of paris into each side of the mold, the place sticks in one side when starting to stiffen, and a little later coat the shallower side with plaster and place it onto the heavier one.

    Might work.

    Or maybe an electric knife and fine-grade styrofoam?  Or balsa wood.

    Styrofoam would probably work best as a prop, if you can cut it out.

  2. I think this might work...

    Buy a foam ball or square. With an exacto or electric knife, carve it to be shaped like a popsicle. Then cover it in a thin layer of modeling clay or fondant. Go over the whole thing with a layer of clear glossy paint or colored glossy paint. Stick a popsicle stick in the bottom. There you go!

    Maybe you could get a bit of advice or help from the school art teacher? They should have an exacto knife and glossy paint that you can use. They may even have a piece of foam and/or clay that you may use.

    I would not use plaster - it will end up breaking very easily! Wood will be very heavy.

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