
How to make a romur stop?

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my exfriend shes prentadting to still be friends with me she srpred a rmour that my cursh wants me which i know not ture snice he said i dont like you and hes tried of her doing it but this is the frist i hread of because asselia my ex friend siad to me today snice it was the frist day off school that me and my cursh dreseve each other and i want her to stop too so plz help me puls today was the frist day of 8th grade and i dont want my rest of my 8th grade like that .





  1. If it were me, I would go to the guy and let him know that someone started a silly rumor and for him not to think anything of it. As for your friend, I would keep her as an acquaintance and not tell her anything personal anymore.Good luck Elizabeth!

    I'm 28, but I'm not too old that I don't remember how cruel girls can be in highschool. The best thing is to not let them

    see how much it bothers you. That's why they are saying these things in the first place, just to get a reaction out of you. Show no reaction and they will stop because it won't be fun for them anymore.

    The two comments below are very right

  2. Just tell the b**** to leave you alone.=)Good luck!

  3. There's really no way to stop a rumor. People do it out of free will and you can't stop anyone from doing so.

    My advice?

    Act like you don't care. If you act like you do, she'll know she's getting to you so she'll continue with the rumor. If you act like you don't even care about a single thing when it comes to her, people would know that she's lying AND she'll finally give up because she'll realize that you don't care.

  4. Your friend is looking for a reaction.  The best way to stop her from teasing you is to ignore her or give her absolutely no reaction.  Trust me, she will move on to a new target.  People like her are boils on the butt of humanity.  She's not worth your time or energy.  Put your focus on nice people with whom you want to become friends with and she will become a distant memory.

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