
How to make a wall out of blocks

by Guest59008  |  earlier

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a blokck wall




  1. first you will need to dig a foundation ( footing ), the depth of the footing depends on the height of the wall you are building, as ageneral rule a wall 5 foot high will need a footing 18 inches deep, a 10 foot high wall will need a footing 2 foot deep, the concrete you use should be 4 parts ballast to 1 part cement, altough the horizontal level is important when building a wall, the vertical is even more important, never exceed more than 5 courses at any one time, and allow at least 12 hours before you build any higher, I hope this helps

  2. You would do it just like you brick a wall. Lay out your blocks and put mortar (cement) around the bottom and sides, then add the nest block until you have your wall. Of course you will have to measure it off

  3. first you need a cement base, or footing, lay a layer of mortor mix down 3/4 inch thick lay a block on it level it with a 4 ft level,

  4. cender block, after footer is installed...u need batter boards...u need quick leds.....u need 4 ft level... mason trile....mortor mix type S...mortor sand...something to mix it in.....

    this is not an easy job to explain:  u lay out ur batter boards level, nail on ur quick leds, these have the lay out of the block, 8 in......u lay mortor on the footer, 2 rows and level the first block mud the head joint of the next block and lay mortor again on the footer to lay the second block.....level u also have to plumb the block to a string line that comes from the quick leds that is now ur first course of block is level and plumb....the mortor joint is 3/8 inch between the block.....start the next course 8" back and do it all again....if ur tieing 2 walls together then lock them in corners by stagering them ......i told ya it was hard to explain...

    lic. gen. contractor

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