
How to make a website for a small bussness? Step by Step!?

by  |  earlier

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I have payed for the website address.


I have one for my bussness.

But I do not know how to make it a webpage. So i can conect it to my address.

10 Points to the person who can help me step by step.

And that is safest for my computer. I do not want a virus!

I do not want to have somebody make it, it is just a small coffee shop.

And i am paying for the web address i just want to know how to make a web page (with all the codes) ..

And how to get it onto my web address i am paying for.

Thanks for all the help




  1. If you do not have experience in website building, I would strongly suggest that you find a web host that will assist and analyze your work through each step. There are a few great web hosts out there that provide great tools and assistance. I would also recommend that you take a look at several options to select the best match for your needs and get the most value for your money. You can take a look at the host that I use as an example and use them in your comparison if you'd like.


  2. I used Yahoo! Site Builder.  It's super clean and easy.  Took less than an hour to set up and costs less than $9 per month (for everything).  It includes purchasing a web address but since you already have one it can hook up to your existing one (the first thing it will ask is whether you already have an existing "domain name").

    Here is a link for 25% off;

    For the exact step by step, go to

  3. make yourself a free webpage look around for the tutorial on http//

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