
How to make an anti virus?

by  |  earlier

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I'm new to programming currently doing HTML have no clue on a program, so How would I make an anti virus the easy way step by step?

Please do not tell me to download a free one or ask me why, Its personal.




  1. turn your computer off..its the best anti-virus out there

  2. You need more programming language, HTML is not a programming language, is called a MARKUP Language.

    It's not something that you can just do at hand. coz it requires large scripts from C,C+,C#, javascript,python and probably VB

    learn VB6.0

    why all these is that you will need to create a script for upating your antivirus and that is with the use these languages.

    I urge you to learn C family,python, VB6.0 .asp

    After that you can learn examples since you will have the platform to execute the examples.  

  3. anti viruses are hard because, there's so many viruses that making an effective one takes time. also a virus will still be there if you turn your computer off and on...

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