
How to make appropriate friends?

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i am an 18 year old attractive, funny, out going, loving girl. i just moved back home from 2 1/2 years of boarding school..all my friends went through high school together and are now in college...i feel incredibly alone...and dont know how to make friends...i'm picky about the people i hang out with, and i dont trust easily at all!!!! i go to a community college and work with all girls...i guess the problem is that i HATE having to take initiative and asking other girls to hang out, fear of rejection and insecruties...alot of my old friends say "we should meet up" lets hang out. and i want to be im to nervous...or lazy? and i dont drive........anyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy advice. =D




  1. u need to make an effort to get over ur nerves...

  2. If you want something really bad you have to learn to make an EFFORT!! Have your friends meet you half way if you are nervous.

    If you are picky about your friends, remember than you cannot judge a book by it's cover. You have to spend time and GET TO KNOW people, then you decide if this is someone you want in your life or not.

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