
How to make cleaning fun for the kids?

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How to make cleaning fun for the kids?




  1. I would suggest everyone cleaning together in the same room. It is more fun to clean with others

    I would tell everyone when the work was done it would be time for something fun-such as pizza, swimming, bike ride together, etc.

  2. My kids were absolute pigs.  Im a stay at home mom and hubby works to provide for our family.  Kids are ages 9 & 11.  They would say things when I asked them to pick up like, you dont work, why do we have to do it, ect...  I talked with hubby and decidd to take a harsh approach, but it worked when nothing else did.  Hubby and I went on "vacation"  I didn't do laundry or wash dishes for a week.  When there werent any sodas or chips left to eat, hubby wouldnt buy them.  When the kids starting getting annoyed by not having a dish clean or their clothes washed and nothing to snack on, i would tell them to wash it themselves, or use their own money (from birthdays, ect) to buy their snacks.  We told them we werent their maids, but their parents.  After they had to clean up after not oly themselves, but us for a week, they stopped minding picking up a few extra things now and again.  I provided healthy foods and snacks ond fixed only our evening meal for the family.  This made them a little more responsible as well.  Now, when they fix themselves a sandwich for lunch, they ask others if they want one too, and they fix it!  Worked like a charm, if you can stand a mess for about a week.  I promise it wont take too long.  (also, wouldn't let friends come over to a house that was innapropriate..  I think that was the big kicker for them, since i seem to have the hangout house!)  Good luck!

  3. My mom never made cleaning fun.  She just made not cleaning a lot less fun.  But then, that's probably why I find it so hard to make myself clean, I never spank myself when I don't clean my bedroom.

  4. You hide some sort of thing that they actually want and say whoever cleans the most of our house will get a map to see where it is..

    This works for younger kids..

    If older say

    There's money in stake or ground them

  5. make a game out of it somehow?

    I dont know how much fun you can make it really, some people just dont like to clean. When I outgrew the wanting to help out with every chore phase, I've hated cleaning ever since and still do lol

    think of something they love to do like watch tv/play video games..and set conditions like if their rooms arent clean/dishes arent washed, their video game is unplugged until everything is done. Make a list of chores and have them each take turns picking out which chores they will do, so that its nto you forcing the dirty work on them, they'll feel like they have a little bit of a choice :]

  6. It's never going to be fun but if you're trying to get them to do it, make them see that their job helps contribute to the household.

    If each kid has a job and they see their parents doing their job at the same time, they'll want to help contribute to their family.  Kids love a bit of responsibility so tell them that they're the person who is solely in charge of dusting every week. Also if you only give them their pocket money when they do their job, they're realise it's a reward for their contribution to the household.

  7. make it a contest to see who can pick up the most stuff. Play "beat the clock" set a timer and see if they can get it done before the timer goes off, if they do then they get to stay up a little later. That way you aren't rewarding for cleaning, you are rewarding for cleaning fast.

    Play I spy with the things that need to be cleaned up. After the person gueses the item they need to pick it up and clear it out so the game can continue.

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