
How to make coffee?

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OK Folks, this may be the most stupid question on this board, but how do you make good tasting coffee? I always buy mine (waste of money) and I like it a bit on the stronger side. So my question is what is the tablespoon of coffee to water ratio. How many scoops into the paper filter? And after I brew a batch, can I reuse the coffee thats in the filter once more or do I need to start fresh. Help! LOL




  1. Buy a good, bold coffee. I prefer the whole bean. Coffee grinders are not that expensive and they are worth it.

    I use three heaping scoops per pot and no, I don't reuse the coffee grinds.

  2. Start with good coffee. ( The coffee must be freshly roasted, because coffee should only be used for 2 weeks after roasting. You can't buy fresh roasted coffee at any major chains. This matters because coffee has oils , that is what the coffee flavor comes from. Oils spoil and go rancid after 2 weeks(even in the fridge) this is why after a starbucks or folgers coffee you must make #2. They get there coffee months after it's been roasted. So first, good coffee, then freshly ground (not pre-ground) coffee. Thirdly, use good water. Water makes up 98% of the beverage.   Your coffee to water ratio should be 2 table spoons to every 8oz (1 cup). If that is to strong don't change the ratio. Add water to your coffee after. We can get really technical if you want, but this is a good start. Oh, and don't use the coffee again, the oils are gone = no flavor &no caffeine. Well, not much at all. Plus, that's gross.

    Good luck

  3. When I brew a pot, I use Folgers regular grind. I use two heaping table spoons & one level table spoon. How you sweeten it or not after that is individual taste. Never got any complaints at home. Even I like it.

  4. i have different recipes for coffee, but i will give you a simple one. first, get a cup and put 2 tablespoons of coffee mix in it(nescafe), 1 tablespoon of creamer(coffee mate), and if your not diabetic, put plenty of sugar.... its just that simple....duh!!!

    oh, do not forget boiling water(nobody wants coffee without water...duh again!), fill the cup then stir.
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