
How to make cracked wheat?

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what steps are in making a Wheat cereal


what is cracked wheat and how to prepare , and then how to make cereal




  1. Things You’ll Need:



    Measuring cup

    Cracked wheat

    Step1For each cup of cracked wheat that you wish to cook, you will need two cups of water.

    Step2Boil the water in the sauce pan and when the water has reached a rolling boil, add the cracked wheat.

    Step3After adding the cracked wheat to the boiling water, lower the temperature so that the water is simply simmering.

    Step4Allow the wheat to simmer for 15 minutes.

    Step5When you are satisfied that the cracked wheat is sufficiently soft enough to eat, turn the stove off and let the wheat stand for 10 minutes before serving it.

  2. dalia or cracked wheat is a very healthy option for breakfast cereal. you can simply soak the dalia for 20 mint and then boil it for 10 mints. add a pinch of salt for enhanced taste. once cooked all the water woudl have dried. else drain it out.

    Now you can use this as a porriage/ breakfast cereal. pour milk and sugar and have as breakfast.

    Another way to have dalia is in form of pulao.. just replace rice with dalia. add vegetables as in normal reciep and cook.. this is a very helathy vairation to rice pulao.

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