
How to make dice out of wood...

by  |  earlier

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is it possible to make dice out of wood and if so what kind of wood would be good to make them? i just want wood thats kinda the same weight of a casino dice.

thanks :D




  1. a good heavy hardwood...maple or ash or walnut or some exotic wood from africa or south them to the size you want and cut them to length on your miter saw and use a drill point for the pips...sand the edges

  2. Oww, painful  memories

    I sliced my hand while making dice at a boy scout camp.

    And I meaned sliced.

    ANYWHO, how to do it would to get the wooden block of about the relative size of the dice. Then, take a wood gouging tool and dig in and round out the "spots". It's a good thing to mark them before you cut, word of the wise. Depending on the weight of the wood (hardwood vs. softwood) the weight of the dice will obviously change, so comparing them to the standard dice is pretty hard w/o specifics.

    Good luck if you decide to make them!

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