
How to make each day an adventure?

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How to make each day an adventure?




  1. Do something different..

  2. drive thru the ghetto on the way home from work yelling poverty sucks

  3. do something exciting, anything you've never done before.

  4. Join a fight club

  5. Dream and visualize your big dreams.

  6. each day, take a different route than you normally would on your errands or on your way to work, and actually PAY ATTENTION to the new sights you encounter. look up local attractions, like any historic sites or anything that you could easily and cheaply drive to. pick up a new hobby, or try a new kind of exotic food or music. start taking classes on something you've always wanted to do but could never get around to. Take nature hikes for crying out loud, anything to get your adreniline and interest in life pumping again. Good luck. Zen is the key.

  7. Each day you should do something you would never expect you would do. Or even say something you wouldn't expect yourself to say. We live in a world of routine, and monotonous existence, never taking the opportunity to do something out of the ordinary/adventurous. To make every day an adventure you need to be willing to be adventurous.

  8. GIVE!!

  9. Be naive, be faith to what it is(non-judgmental), or as is, rather than to judge based on hone's own value system or (bias) judgment.

    For a young kid, everything is new, every day is an adventure !

  10. Are you kidding? In this economy? Every payday is an adventure.

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