
How to make emails from newly added members to reach group members without owner/moderator approval ?

by  |  earlier

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I am the moderator of itdreams1 group. recently i added new members to my group (without invitation). mails sent by them were not directly sent to the group members. Instead, i got a mail from yahoo which is below:

Subject: MODERATE [Spam?]

Original Msg:


A message has been sent to the itdreams1 group from

<sender email address> (Gmail account)

This message was identified as possible spam.

A complete copy of this message has been attached for your convenience.

This message requires your approval for one of the following reasons:

* Your group is set to moderate all messages from this user, OR

* Your group is set to moderate messages from all users



only after i approved that email, original email posted by newly added members goes to all members in the group.

It doesn't mean that i dont want to use SPAM Filter.. All i need is, Emails sent by the members should directly reach the members of the group without getting any approval from me

can anyone help me ?




  1. you can reset the group settings for moderation, but you will also have to reset this per member. changing group settings only affect those who join after that change, and will not change the settings for each member

    change group settings

    management- under group settings click messges- Posting and Archives (Edit)&lt;-- click the edit- 3rd column  Moderation, select your choice- click save changes

    per member must also be done

    locate member in members list- click edit memebrship below their ID- scroll to very bottom Posting Messages:    Override: This member&#039;s posts are always moderated (Edit) &lt;-- click the edit- next page bottom select

    * Messages posted by this member are not moderated.&lt;--

    * Messages posted by this member are moderated.

    * This member can&#039;t post messages.

    click save changes

  2. To change the way messages are sent to the group go to: &quot;Management&quot; of your group&#039;s homepage and click on the section that says, &quot;Messages&quot;.  When you open this screen there is a table at the top of the list that asks how you want the messages to be sent to the list.  Click on the option that says, &quot;Unmoderated&quot; and then click &quot;Save&quot;.  After you click &quot;Save&quot; the change will then go in to effect.

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