
How to make friends in Germany?

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How to make friends in Germany?




  1. Just say "hello". Making friends works the same all around the world; if you can make friends at home, you can do it everywhere. In Germany, just be aware that we don't show politeness, and a laugh and a smile is for real good friends only.

    The German language has two ways of addressing people, the one is the formal "Sie" (if you know Spanish, that's "Usted/Ustedes"), and the other one is the "Du" (you). When a German says,

    "Wir könnten auch Du sagen."

    ("We could say Du.")

    then you know you have a friend.

    I'm not sure about your age, however. I suppose you're an adult person. Young people always say "Du", and just in case you're younger than, say, 21, then I can't give you any advice. I don't know what's going on as "Jugendkultur" ("youth culture") in my country; but on the other hand, you should be young enough then to find out on your own.

  2. that one person had a very detailed answer.

    if you dont know someone, or they are older than you, use the Sie (you polite/formal) form.  As long as you know basic phrases and try them, you'll be fine. don't worry about messing up! they will be happy you tried at least.

    pen pals are great too. try Deutsche Post/ Letternet.

    Letternet is the english form i think.

    Hah, I should know i have two pen pals from there!

  3. Be polite. don't be a stupid drunk.

  4. easy in the red lights streets if you can afford it.

  5. Well, I have many business contacts in Germany and German acquaintances and friends so I have had my share of contact with Germans.  One of my German friends lives in the US and she says she loves the US, because when she was in Germany it was so hard for her to make friends.  She comes from Frankfurt an der Oder and said the western part of Germany is the worst.  She said that she worked in Karlsruhe for 7 years and no one was friendly.  She is a nice person and has a lot of friends in the US.  I think it is a cultural thing.  People in Germany aren't friendly by nature and don't adapt to change and don't socialize easily.  Americans are much more friendly and willing to make an effort at socializing.  In the US smiling is a sign of success.  You smile as a basic courtesy too, but it is just something you do.  Only losers don't smile.  You also befriend new people.  I prefer the US way of doing things.  Nobody is going to Germany to better their people skills and learn from the natives there.

  6. You can try the 'old' way... search a penpal there! XD

    Or just get to know some german you can chat with ^^

    Don't worry, we germans love to have foreign friends *g*

    Good luck!

  7. go there

  8. Go out drinking

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