
How to make friends? read my story Please !?

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To be honest i really haven't had a good best friend or a group of friends or really any friends at school since about the 8th grade. Thats when i moved back to Milwaukee and left my great class mates in Arizonia behind.. Im going to the 11th grade tomorrow and still have no friends. Guys in my gym class even called me g*y. That hurt and discouraged me to make friends when i was a freshmen. Also most high school kids are into drugs, alcohol and cursing at the teacher, well at my ghetto school; people in arizonia was way way nice and more like me.





  1. well the first rule is to be confident. eventho u hard a hard time making friends in the past, no one says its going to happen this yr too. ur starting 11th grade tomorrow, its a fresh start. pretend the past never happened. be confident and happy. who cares abt those other guys???

      k, so if your school has any sports teams or clubs, join them!!! sports are a great way to meet people.

    also, try to talk to a lot of different people. it doesnt matter what you say to them. just be friendly. smile, laugh... tomorrow is a perfect opportunity. "how was your summer??? what did u do??" ask ppl about their vacations, and tell them abt urs. if u havent met them yet, then introduce urself. be positive always, dont complain.

    call people in your classes about schoolwork. ask them for help in homework...

    after ur sorta friends with ppl, invite them to go places w/ u -- to the movies, to play football...


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