
How to make frineds on the first day of middle school

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Hi my school starts in 12 days I'm really shy I hate talking to people I don't know what to after hi! I I'm freaking out plz answer




  1. Just be you self!

    Don't worry about making friends on the first day of school. these things will come in time. And trust me its better to have good friends than lots of friends.

  2. iv lived in a couple countries so im an expert on first days of school :P but remember that evryone will be just as nervous as you, you are all in the same boat and nobody is really friends yet. just see people who seem nice, and dont be over friendsly but make sure that they know who you are,. find the crowd that lies the smae things as you and talk about that with them. if you se someone wearing a t-shirt of aband you like (seems ton be the beatles :P. i love them so much too) then just start talking to them abut that, and if you find common interest you will never run out of things to say

  3. Something simple like asking to borrow something from the person or ask a question about what yous are doing, jsut to get conversation started and break the ice might help

  4. My Mom always told me to meet a friend you have to appear friendly. Smile when others approach you and treat them like you would want a friend to treat you. Once you are friends with someone you have things in common with exchange phone numbers or email addresses.

    Then spend time to get to know your friend. You may want to join a club together or take certain classes together.

    If you are new in the middle school, try to connect with some of your

    past classmates who arrived the same time you. Ask the suggestion of an adult who is good friend material at the school.


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