
How to make fuel from algae?

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Hi, everyone. I understand that fuel can be made from algae and can be used to fuel vehicles. From what I understand about this, it is quite expensive to run such an algae growing plant. What I want to know is this:

-How to make algae into fuel.

-How to fuel a vehicle with it(The process of fueling a vehicle; does one place it simply in the gas tank?)





  1. I've heard of this before, but I'm really not sure how they do it.

    They probably make biofuel out of it like they do to corn, since algae is just like a plant.

  2. There seem to be two versions of algae fuel schemes.  In one, they use the stuff to make, or try to make, some sort of alcohol that you can burn.  In the other, they try to duplicate the process by which petroleum was originally made out of algae, a million years ago.  

    I wouldn't invest money in either scheme.  Neither is producing anything like commercial quantities of fuel yet, and for all anyone knows they aren't producing anything but advertising copy.

  3. mhmmm i never even heard of that one but you know whats messed up?now since its rly bad now all of asudden everyone cares why didnt we do somethign abou this b4 it got horable

  4. You would need a body of water the size of The Great Hudson Bay then make sure that it receives only sunny days each and every day! When you can do this you will have the more difficult part of the problem solved! It takes a lot of algae to make a gallon of fuel!

  5. OK the fuel made from algae is bio-diesel, they press the oil out of the algae and then process that oil just like any other vegetable oil.

    As far as expense goes, the TEST plants produce the oil at less then $20 gallon. But those are small plants just to test the method of producing fuel.

    Here’s a link they go through it much better then I could in a short amount of time

    How to fuel a vehicle with it, easy you take your diesel car or truck pull up to a pump and fill up.

  6. Hi! I found a very interesting article that talks about biofuel made from bacteria, and all the new research developments that have been made in that area:

    I hope it helps!!

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