
How to make ghee ?

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is it economical to make at home ?




  1. it is not economical to make ghee at home. firstly ghee is not clarified butter. yes technically the nutrional info and the ingreidents pont towards calrified butter, but ghee is typically made from fermented cream and it is not an easy process. there are a lot of good ghee brands available in the stores. i have found nanak ghee to be the best. you can buy it at any indian grocery store and some chain stores in usa nad canada.

  2. ghee is just clarified butter.  put butter, at least a stick, in a very small heavy pot.  cook over very low heat for about 10 minutes. skim all of the milk solids off the top and carefully pour off the butter that is on top.  (or you could ladle it off) do not use the water at the bottom of the pot.  throw the water out and try to keep all of it out of your clarified butter.  great for cooking--it will not burn.

  3. 1 pound butter

    Place butter in medium saucepan over medium-high heat. Bring butter to boil. This takes approximately 2 to 3 minutes. Once boiling, reduce heat to medium. The butter will form a foam which will disappear. Ghee is done when a second foam forms on top of butter, and the butter turns golden. Approximately 7 to 8 minutes. Brown milk solids will be in bottom of pan. Gently pour into heatproof container through fine mesh strainer or cheesecloth. Store in airtight container being sure to keep free from moisture. Ghee does not need refrigeration and will keep in airtight container for up to 1 month.

  4. Buy 4 or 5 lbs of butter, depending on how much you want, we always make a big jar at once. Melt the butter in a big stock pot over slow heat, keep filtering of the top of the butter as it simmers, the top part will be white in color...make sure you keep doing this continuously, when the butter has completely melted and all the white "scump" as my Moroccan mother calls it (loove you mami) is removed, pour the butter through a strainer in a clean glass jar....walah you now have ghee or smen as most Arabs call it. Great luck to you;)!!

  5. Use 1 pound unsalted butter

    Using a medium saucepan, heat butter on medium heat.

    Allow butter to melt and bring to a boil, stirring. You will notice that the oil will separate itself. The top will begin to froth; remove froth.

    Allow the oil to become clear. Once, clear, remove from heat and allow to cool for 15 minutes.

    After cooling, strain ghee through a very fine strainer into container or jar, or through 3-5 layers of cheesecloth.

    Put lid on container and store till needed

    It is economical to make at home

  6. melt butter over low heat, until the solids separate and drop to the bottom.  Pour the clear liquid butter into a container.

    There's your ghee.
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