
How to make good chicken for chicken sandwiches?

by  |  earlier

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How can I make good, tender chicken for chicken sandwiches using boneless, skinless chicken breast? I'd prefer if this didn't take up that much time, I have like under 45 mins.




  1. BBQ it:)

  2. Simply cook the meat until it is ready, and white and tender.

    Then for the chicken salad, add mayo until the chicken is totaly soaked in the mayo, then to add a pinch of flavour add i tiny bit of mustard. (: then slap it on the sandwhich.

  3. boil it in a pot for a while check its cooked thoroughly by slicing it in halve and check its not pink.then when its cooked slice it and add mayo or whatever sauce or chees and mayo and lettuce yum!!

  4. I always fire up the grill.  If this is not an option then cooking it in the oven or stove will take about 30 minutes.  

  5. Season with salt, pepper, garlic powder and onion powder. Then bake at 375 for about 20 minutes. Check it and if the juices run clear its done. If it's still a little pink give it another 5 minutes. I wouldn't boil it, then it has no flavor or color.

  6. Since they're boneless and skinless, they will stay moist easier if you simmer them in some water with herbs (oregano, basil, rosemary, sage), and a little salt & pepper.  Grilling chicken is fine, but skinless chicken dries out very easily on the grill; so you'd need to brush it with olive oil; and possibly keep basting it.

  7. Try boiling it in water with salt and pepper for about 20 minutes. Should pull apart nicely when done, then cool it all off in the freezer for a few minutes and eat!

  8. fry tha s**z

  9. What I do to make chicken salad is:

    Broil enough water in a deep pan

    Add the skinless chicken

    Add a few dried seasonings (onion powder, a pinch of salt to keep the meat from "curdling" in the water.)

    Let this cook for 30 mins on high.

    (yes, this is long, but remember that we are killing all the bacterii in the meat!)

    Transfer this cooked meat to a place away from the stove to cool off.

    In a frying pan, fry chopped onions.

    Pull the meat into mini-bite-size chunks, then place in a bowl.  - Add the fried onions and top with 3 cups mayo and lemon juice.

    Mix and top this on a slice of bread.


  10. but it on the grill there great that way and the first answer she asked people who did no so you shouldve never answered the question dumbass

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