
How to make her feel what she made me feel

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ok well this girl who has ginormous b***s keeps making fun of my not so big b***s like in public(like for ex. once she came up to me and said why would you wear a cleavage shirt to show off what little b***s you have like in front of a bunch of kids :s).what kinda comeback could i use to kinda give her a taste of her own medicine..)




  1. Laugh in the face of ignorance.

    Say,Yes I have small b***s,but I wont need to worry about them going south with age.

    The more she see's she is hurting you,the more she will do so.

    If It's any consolation to you,I have small b***s too.

    It Is so nice not to have to wear a bra,be able to wear any style of clothing I like and more importantly,I know that Is not my main attraction. When men speak to me,

    It Is my face they talk to not my Knockers,that I haven't got.  Now Off with you, and stop allowing this very sad soul to ruin your Day!

  2. She's a very shallow person and she's showing her ignorance by the comments she makes to you.  Personally, I wouldn't lower myself to even acknowledge or respond to her comments.  She's showing her true colours and trying to make herself feel bigger by making you feel smaller.  They're just words and you'll come across a lot of mean people before you're done.  Don't give her the satisfaction of a comeback!  Guys like girls who are all shapes and sizes and you will find one who loves you just the way you are and that's what should be important to you, not the cheap comments from someone who obviously has nothing more going for her than big b***s!

  3. Share fulfill her wish

  4. tell her she's just a bully. next time she says something just know she's a b**tch who feels SO insecure about her own body that she'd have to make fun of somebody else. call her out on it. tell her shes a bully and ur not gonna take it anymore. act like she said nothing. she obviously is devolping like a roach on steroids. dont make fun of her back dont sink to her level.  

  5. go up to her and pull the stuffing out of her shirt and lose the gut... then take a dump on her chest... and then work the corners

  6. wow this chick sounds like a b****. just be like atleast i don't need huge b***s to pick up guys, they just want you cause you look like a w***e. Good luck pissing this chick off, wish i could see it ;)

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