
How to make him mine? I know we like each other but it seems he is reluctant to express his feelings to me.?

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How to make him mine? I know we like each other but it seems he is reluctant to express his feelings to me.?




  1. You really do not want to make him yours.  This would be like slavery.  It could easily be done if you used a canine training shock collar and an cattle prod.

    If you want to deepen your relationship, then you need to talk.  Starting with topics that you both enjoy and slowly working into learning how to express your innermost thoughts and feelings.  Your task is to learn how make him comfortable enough to let him express himself.  If you cannot do this then the relationship might be doomed.

    Liking each other just means you are interested.  This interest should motivate you to communicate.  You need to be open and honest.  Say what you mean and mean what you say.  Do not make assumptions.  Ask questions when necessary.

    He may just be reluctant to express himself to anyone.  For most guys, thoughts can usually be expressed easier than feelings.  Sharing your feelings with him will only help if you start with feelings which do not involve him (unless he shares similar feelings).  For example, enthusiasm for a sports team, puppies, a special menu item, etc.) are much easier than how much you care for him or how you would like to make him yours.

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