
How to make him see that this isn't funny?

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I'm really pissed at my flatmate Alex right now. My boyfriend died only a few days ago and everything still feels like I'm in limbo land. I'm trying to get used to the fact that my boyfriend is dead and not just away.

Early this morning I was closer to sleeping than I have been in such a long time, when my phone went off. (Its on vibration but the vibration is pretty loud). I went to check it, and there is a message. From my dead boyfriend's phone.

I freaked, I'm still freaking, as you can probably imagine, and for a moment I thought I'd got the number wrong - but I know his number by heart. I went into the living room to grab a drink from the mini-fridge thing (non alcoholic) and standing there is Alex, my supposed friend, with my boyfriend's phone, sending random messages to people.

Thing is, he and I are normally pretty close. But Alex doesn't seem to realise just how un-funny what he did to me really is. I miss Peter so much and to have a text recieved from his phone is just...

Does anyone have any advice on how to deal with this?






  1. Send him to ny first class. (il pay) and let me deal with him. If not then either tell him how you feel and make sure he listens and understands you after or find a new place to stay. You dont need his c**p right now and he should be mature enough to know better then to play tricks on you but i guess not. Or if you dont like none of those ideas. revenge is my last  idea. Get him back and make him pay dearly. ;]

    hope this helps some.

  2. OMFG what a friend!

  3. You should put him in his place. That is of order. What a friend?

  4. Punch him in the balls - and say: "YOU KNOW WHY!"

    He'll never do it again.  

  5. Very VERY simple. CHUCK HIM OUT

    xx VP

  6. are you g*y? any way shout at him stand firm. obviously your flatmate takes death as a joke. what kinda friend is that

  7. Wow...I didn't actually think anyone could be that much of a jerk. My ex boyfriend is the devil and even he wouldn't go that low.  I'd want to move if I were you!! But that's just me...maybe then he'd get the message.

  8. Oh my god! how disappointing, how can a friend behave like this!!? His "joke" is in very very poor taste. I would ask him what he is playing at, explain that he really did go too far and upset you.

    Im so sorry to hear about your loss, I know its difficult but please keep your chin up. All the best hun xx

  9. Talk about HORRIBLY TACTLESS AND INSENSITIVE! I would have taken that phone and shoved it up his nose! What kind of moron would do something so painful to people?

    I think it is time to find yourself a new roomie....... if he did something like this, who knows what other horrendous thing would be next!

    My deepest sympathies on your loss................

  10. People deal with death in different ways. I have been around people who grieve openly and people who try to lighten the mood by making jokes. Maybe his intentions weren't bad and he thought he was just making a joke (though I wouldn't find it funny and would want to kiss his a** too). Talk to him and let him know that you were offended by his joke and if he is a good friend he will apologize. If he persists then kick him in the balls. :-)

  11. Tell Alex that because of his immaturity and insensitivity, you feel you can no longer share a flat with him and that the bills and rent are all his.

    Start packing your things and when he says he's sorry and can't live without you, he will realise what an idiot he's been.

  12. flatten him to the floor

    that is


  13. what an *** jaw seriously just dropped open.  first off, sorry for your loss...i'm sure it is hard on you. and that guy who is your "friend" is uncompassionate and demented...that's just f-d up to send texts from that phone anyway...secondly, why does he have the phone?  You need to talk to him about this until he understands, or i'd find a new person to live with...

  14. I sympathize with  your loss... Your flatmate seems not to understand your sorrows... Tell him what You've told us,,, Make him understand your feelings... If he is really a true friend of yours he would understand your sorrows and behave in an understanding manner...Get your life going dude

  15. Sit him down and tell him what you've told us. Your friend is being immature and insensitive - ask him how he'd like it if the tables were turned. I'm sorry for your loss, and hope that your flatmate comes round in your time of need to support - not aggrivate - you.

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