
How to make it through drill?

by  |  earlier

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I've just started to get the ball rolling for a discharge from the national guard but am attending weekend drill. (I don't want to say I'm going to be dishcharged or not; I'm saying I've started to move toward something that could get me discharged.)

I know anyone who has heard isn't going to be happy and I feel anxious about going to drill tomorrow because of any kind of treatment that might come with my move toward a discharge.

What can I do to make it through drill?




  1. I know how you feel, I hated going to my drills. I was harassed and insulted every day. I was humiliated and put down in front of everyone, all for no apparent reasons. My unit was, needless to say, the worst unit in the Reserves, especially for females. When a time came that I was physically struck and assaulted by someone "in charge of me", I wouldn't take it anymore. Long story short, I got my discharge and although proud of my service, I've never been happier not having to ever go back there again. Things will work out and just find something to think about that gives you strength while you're there and you will make it through each day until the issue is resolved.  

  2. Do the duties you said you would, you wasted the governments money enough (of course im talking about if your discharge is other than honorable) show up, do your work....STOP WASTING EVERYONES TIME

  3. Show up and do you duties

  4. If you really get discharge, sorry to say that there's no way to make it through especially dishonorable. But right now you should just do your job and drill, at least you put on your last effort. You wanna finish your part as much as you can and trief your best.

  5. You made your bed now go lay in it..

    Take responsibility for your own actions and stop looking for the easy way out.

  6. Exactly. Go to drill and do your job. If you do get out, leave on a good note.

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