
How to make linking turns on Snowboard EASILY!!! ???

by  |  earlier

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Hi everyone. I've been making snowboard not for so much tried 4-5 times. But i learned to make snowboard except making linking turns. I am a regular boarder not goofy and i can turn to left and go on like that but cant continue that to right turns. I dont know why cant i turn to right... I'm sure that i'm using my right foot on front and was making skateboard in my childhood...

Anyway, could anyone tell me how i can make linking turns easily???

Thanks alot all!!!




  1. Use your hips and and body.  The best way to practice right turns is to practice stopping by kicking your back foot ankle forward and facing   towards the top of the hill, your board perpendicular to the hill, turning a quick right will come natural to you eventually.

  2. If you are regular I assume that what you mean by left turn is your heelside turn (when you end up on your heelside edge).   You find it more difficult o your toeside turn (when you end up on your toeside edge).  This is a very common beginner issue.  I'll bet that you are really confident on your heelside sideslip (where you are on your heel edge looking downhill slipping slowly or stopping) and that you are less confident on your toeside edge (looking uphill sliding slowly or stopping). To get over it, practice toeside sideslipping a lot: until your are just as good on your toeside as your heelside.  This will make those toeside turns come out better.

    If you are not sure of what I am describing, then take a lesson from a certified instructor.  That is really the easiest way to fix your issue, but it costs a bit of money!

  3. You are correct, you should be able to initiate turns with your feet and pressure to your board only. Most people that have problems turning one direction are not putting enough pressure on the downhill edge of the front foot and typically are leaning back when they complete their "comfortable" side turn.

    To correct this, as you are completing your heel side turn and the board is slowing down, make sure that you then lean forward on the board and put most of the pressure from your front foot on the downhill edge - in this case your toes. This will initiate the next turn to the right. Also, make sure to bend your knees - it is easier to make a stiff leg turn on your heel edge - bend the knees through the middle of the turn especially.

    Good Luck

  4. Okay This is how I always teach a beginner.

    Take your arms spread them out. take the hand that is towards the front, align your shoulders, point your hands to the direction you want to go and slightly lean forward and towards the direction. Think hands and shoulders will determine your directions. Just keep linking Lt and Rt.

    Also as you get use to the feel and able to go a bit faster it will get easier.

    I always fall when I'm going slow.

    Safe riding!

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